Confidence Coaching to Help Athletes Perform When It Matters Most

Confidence Coaching to Help Athletes Perform When It Matters Most

Confidence coaching is all about improving an athlete’s ability to perform when it counts. In my experience I have found that confidence is the #1 reason why an athlete or an athlete’s parent seeks out private coaching.

Athletes can only get so much help with their confidence in a group coaching session with a generic development plan designed to help the average athlete.  In a group coaching session, there just isn’t enough time to customize the training for an individual athlete.

Moreover, you can’t “teach” confidence just like you can’t “teach” discipline. Teachers use worksheets, lectures, and books. Private confidence coaching improves an athlete’s confidence using processes, not lesson plans and speeches.

The fact is, everyone knows what skills they need to perform at an elite level and there are plenty of opportunities to learn those skills in group settings. Unquestionably though, learning skills is not what helps an athlete break into the top 1%. It’s how you perform those skills under stress and against the best competitors that matters even more. This is the purpose of confidence coaching.

My 6 Step Confidence Coaching Process

If an athlete has the skills and has the will, but still finds themselves stuck at a level below where they know they could be, then private confidence coaching is likely the solution. I have a 6-step process for helping my clients in situations like this:

  1. The process starts with assessing the sources of confidence.
  2. Next, I measure those sources of confidence.
  3. The process continues by setting goals related to the sources of confidence that have low measurements.
  4. Then I work with the athlete to break those goals down into a measurable progression.
  5. After that we establish a routine to execute the progression towards the confidence goals.
  6. Finally, the process repeats after several weeks of consistency with the routine by going back to the assessment in step 1.

If you or an athlete you care about needs confidence coaching, let’s talk about how my confidence coaching program can help. Contact me here.

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