How to Find the Routines You Need for Success in 6 Steps

How to Find the Routines You Need for Success in 6 Steps

I often write about routines in the context of pursuing goals. This is due to one major core belief I have on pursuing goals. The more routines you have related to a goal, the more likely you will achieve that goal. So instead of having to constantly decide on what to do next, you decide once on a set of routines and just execute over and over again until you reach your goal.

However, this leads to the question of how do you find the routines you need for success? I recommend a 6 step process.

  1. Break down the activities or skills required to progress towards your goals into 3 or 4 essentials. An essential is a skill or activity that is absolutely necessary or extremely important to the process of making progress.
  2. Identify the things that correlate directly with these essentials that come easy to you because you either enjoy it or because it’s effortless (your strengths).
  3. Identify the activities or skills that correlate directly with these essentials that don’t come easy to you because you don’t enjoy it or because you find it difficult (your weaknesses).
  4. Create a daily routine that incorporates one or more of your strengths from #2.
  5. Create three different weekly routines you can do on three different days that leverage your strengths from #2 in a way that helps you overcome the most essential weakness from #3.
  6. Finally, create a monthly routine to measure progress, get feedback from outside mentors, and make adjustments.

If you would like to know more about my 14-day virtual coaching program to help you develop a routine based on these steps, please contact me here to learn more.

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