When In Search for a Happier Life, This is Your Best Shot

During the holiday season, people are genuinely happier when they share their time and resources with others. So, if you’re in search for a happier life, learn this lesson and apply it all year. Stanford University professor and author William Damon in his book The Path to Purpose, highlights why this is your best shot when […]

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How to Be Happier by Changing Your Mindset

Being happier is the product of how you manage the ups and downs in the journey of life with your mindset. From the time we are in grade school to the time we are adults, there are times when we feel like we’re on top of the world, then a few days later feel like […]

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The Mindset of Controlling Your Destiny

Who doesn’t want to be the captain of their own ship and the master of their destiny. This is the essence of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Wanting anything less is giving up on life. Yet so few people understand the mindset one needs to control their destiny. This mindset is the product […]

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