Young athletes have mood swings. As a parent of an athlete, you must not let the mood of your child change your mood. When your child gets upset after a loss, things can go from bad to worse if you get upset too. It’s the night following these moments where sports parents lose the most […]
Building mental toughness in young athletes is a practical process that goes beyond just sports. If a young athlete lives an easy life that doesn’t challenge their mental toughness, then they won’t be mentally tough. On the other hand, if an athlete must consistently overcome challenges that require mental toughness, then they will develop mental […]
For whatever reason, many parents think burnout is a result of a sport either being too hard or too competitive. This could not be further from the truth. Hard work and competition never has and never will drive kids away from things they enjoy doing. On the contrary, when a kid enjoys doing an activity, […]