A Quote for Sports Parents to Remember When their Child is Upset After Losing

A Quote for Sports Parents to Remember When their Child is Upset After Losing

Young athletes have mood swings. As a parent of an athlete, you must not let the mood of your child change your mood. When your child gets upset after a loss, things can go from bad to worse if you get upset too. It’s the night following these moments where sports parents lose the most sleep regretting something they said or did in which they know better.

To this end, John Wooden has the perfect quote for parents to remember in these situations.

There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience.

For parents to keep that clear conscience in the face of an emotional young athlete, they must have a game plan. If a parent does not have a game plan, it’s likely they will respond like thermometers. Just like a thermometer reacts to the temperature, parents react to the mood of their athletes. If the athlete’s mood runs hot, the parent runs hot. This is not a good way to deal with an emotional athlete after losing. This is what will make a bad situation worse.

On the other hand, when a parent has a game plan they are more like thermostats for their athlete’s mood. Unlike thermometers, thermostats not only read the temperature, but they are also capable of adjusting the temperature. So, if an athlete’s mood runs hot, the parent has the tools to intervene to lower the temperature. These tools include:

In short, successful parents of athletes behave like thermostats not thermometers. If you find yourself reacting to your young athlete’s behavior like a thermometer, take a moment to reflect on what you can do differently. Then, adjust your mindset using John Wooden’s quote and this thermometer/thermostat metaphor as a guide.

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