The need for some excitement is not bad in itself. However if you’re not careful, needing excitement too often can put a glass ceiling on your goal pursuit efforts. To put it differently, needing excitement too often essentially represents you self-sabotaging your own success. Why? Because of one simple fact about pursuing goals that people […]
The American Psychological Association list achieving goals daily as one of the 10 most important factors for building resilience. Specifically they state: Like building a muscle, increasing your resilience takes time and intentionality…To increase your capacity for resilience…use these strategies… …Move toward your goals. Develop some realistic goals. Do something regularly — even if it seems like a […]
I wish I could tell you there was a shortcut for getting better, but I can’t. There is only one proven way I know for sure that will help anyone get better faster and it isn’t a shortcut. It comes down to one critical character trait, CONSISTENCY. Not being consistent once a year, once a […]