Today I cam across a thought provoking quote from Tony Dungy on disciplining a child: Discipline is not punishment. Dungy was sharing this part of his parenting philosophy in a post titled How to Balance Grace and Discipline with Your Kids. Dungy states the following about disciplining a child: Discipline is not punishment. There can be […]
Today I came across a compelling TEDx video on YouTube. The presenter’s name is John O’Sullivan and his presentation is titled Changing the Game in Youth Sports. In this video, O’Sullivan makes a touching argument on the need for our culture to change its perspective on youth sports. He begins with a startling statistic: Every year […]
Yesterday I wrote a review of Gallup’s Strengths Based Parenting book by Mary Reckmeyer. This book makes a profound case for why parents should abandon the desire to raise “well-rounded” children. Instead, decades of Gallup’s research shows that it’s better to focus on developing strengths and manage weaknesses. Below are 11 quotes from Reckmeyer to […]