There is a proverb from ancient Kemet/Egypt scribbled thousands of years ago by a wise man above the entrance of a pyramid that states Know Thyself. Without doubt, this is one of my favorite ancient proverbs. What’s more, after completing the book Who Am I, by psychologist Steven Reiss, PH.D., I think it makes sense […]
The technique to build a child’s belief in someone, something, and most importantly themselves is so obvious that parents often overlook it. Doctors know it, coaches know it, teachers know it, and preachers know it. However, parents rarely take advantage of this simple and obvious method. This obvious method struck me while listening to Matt […]
Discipline is the 3rd core value that leads young athletes to develop self-motivation. Discipline doesn’t come easy. Unquestionably, the only conclusion I could come to after a lifetime aspiring for more discipline is that you can’t teach discipline. On the contrary, discipline is the summation of hundreds of small decisions. Decisions made as a result […]