Limiting beliefs are unconscious beliefs you have that hover over you like a glass ceiling. These beliefs often drive you to quit too soon when you don’t experience immediate success. One of the best ways to eliminate limiting beliefs is to start by understanding your strengths, weaknesses, talents, and non-talents. Talents are things that help you […]
As I was scrolling through my Instagram feed last week, a post targeting high school and college wrestlers caught my attention. It boldly proclaimed, “Belief comes from suffering.” The intent behind the post was clear – to inspire athletes to push their limits and embrace the challenges that come with their chosen sport. However, my […]
Training pain is the pain you experience when you are training to push yourself beyond your current limitations. The purpose of this pain is to condition the body to tolerate extreme fatigue, thousands of hours of repetition, performing while hurt, injury recovery, and learning from failure, among other things. As you condition your body your […]