The Difference Between Lacking Confidence and Lacking Competence

Confidence is a temporary emotional state you feel when you have faith in yourself. Lacking confidence makes you vulnerable to negativity, triggers fear, and undermines focus. On the other hand, competence is a matter of fact that preparation and experience has provided you with the ability to perform skills successfully. Lacking competence makes you vulnerable […]

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The Secret to Pushing Yourself

Nearly everything you do in life can be broken down into two categories: 1) push behaviors and 2) pull behaviors. Push behaviors are the behaviors you must force yourself to do because your mind puts resistance in front of you. It could be studying, running, eating healthy, waking up early, or something similar. On the other […]

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Understanding The Concept of Fixing a Weakness

There are a few key concepts you must understand when you make the decision to invest your time in fixing a weakness. To start, you must remember time is a limited resource. So, when you invest time to fix a weakness you have less time to work on becoming great in the areas in which […]

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