Overcoming the Conflict Between the Process and Outcome Mindsets

Overcoming the Conflict Between the Process and Outcome Mindsets

The first mindset conflict I typically must help a client with is the process vs. the outcome mindset. After all, these mindsets not only have the biggest impact on motivation, they also cause conflicts within one’s ego which then leads to negative achievement behaviors.

Outcomes are uncontrollable. Consequently, when your motivation comes from things you don’t control, motivation decreases when you don’t get the outcome you want. On the other hand, if outcomes don’t motivate you at all, you focus too much on the process. This in turn causes you to miss opportunities to verify if your process is working and improve the process. Indeed, it’s a catch 22 for sure.

The best way to overcome the conflict this catch 22 creates is to connect the process mindset to the outcome mindset using purpose. Purpose is when your motivation comes from doing something of value that benefits your own self-interest as well as others. When you connect pursuing goals to a purpose bigger than just you, you get the best of both worlds when it comes to the process and outcome mindsets.

When it comes to the outcome mindset, purpose helps you create synergy between outcome goals. Goal setting is so common most people take it for granted. As a result, people develop the habit of creating multiple unrelated goals that have no synergy and then attempt to pursue them concurrently. Synergy is when the sum of the parts is greater than the parts separately. Purpose provides this synergy by aligning your goals for an ultimate concern that is bigger than just you.

When it comes to the process mindset, purpose helps enforce patience and consistency by facilitating small acts of measurable progress. It’s these small acts of progress that keeps you accountable. Moreover, you can manage what you can measure which is controllable and motivating as you move closer to your purpose.

In summary, the secret sauce is purpose, synergy, and measuring small acts of progress. Including these three ingredients in the pursuit of any goal is a must for maintaining a healthy mindset along the way.

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