The Book I Recommend You Start Reading on Christmas Morning

The Book I Recommend You Start Reading on Christmas Morning

Christmas morning is the start of the last week of the year. Therefore, why not finish the year strong by reading something that inspires you to start the new year strong? Well, the problem is that how do you know a book will inspire you in this way before reading it?

Just because a book inspires me, or someone you know does not mean it will inspire you. Therefore, I don’t recommend you start reading a book on Christmas morning you’ve never read.

Instead, my recommendation is that you re-read the most inspiring book you’ve already read.  A book that you already know has massive insights and one that you know will motivate you.

During this last week of the year, there is no reason to take a chance on a book you know nothing about.

The reason why is simple.  Time is a premium.  It’s better to optimize it on re-reading a quality book that you haven’t read in a while and refresh that feeling of excitement you had when you first read it.

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