The Three Elements to Create a Life of Long Lasting Fun Memories

The Three Elements to Create a Life of Long Lasting Fun Memories

Fun isn’t fun when it only last for a second. A quick rush of adrenaline, a momentary smile, or a few bites of a sweet dessert comes and goes without a second thought. Though these small moments of pleasure are enjoyable, they aren’t really what makes life fun.

With that said, it takes three elements to create a life of long lasting fun memories:

  1. Friends and/or family
  2. Overcoming a difficult obstacle to achieve a goal
  3. Meaningful self-motivation

Therefore, the simple formula for making life fun can be summed up in one simple statement. Work to overcome a meaningful challenge with other people you enjoy being around. If you can do this, you will not only have fun having fun, but you will also have fun remembering the fun.

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