Awkward Emotions After a Loss in State Wrestling Finals

Awkward Emotions After a Loss in State Wrestling Finals

Wrestling is one of the few sports in which getting third feels better than getting second. I’ve been on both sides as a parent and wrestler, and unquestionably this is a fact.

You can look at any podium picture from a state wrestling tournament. 9 times out of 10, the third place wrestler looks happier than the wrestler who got second. In fact, there’s a good chance the second place wrestler is holding back tears and the third place wrestler is smiling.

Without doubt, getting both second and third in any state level tournament in any sport is a great accomplishment. However, when it comes to the sport of wrestling, second place is bittersweet.

When you get third place, you end the tournament on a win. On the other hand, when you get second place you end the tournament on a loss. What’s more, if this is the last competition of the season, second place also means you end the season on a loss.

The truth is, there is only one thing that makes getting second better than getting third place. The experience of wrestling in the finals. There is no way to simulate the pomp and circumstance, the pressure, the crowd, and the emotions of wrestling in a big finals match. This experience is priceless. Win or lose, the experience strengthens a wrestler’s mindset and prepares them to handle it better the next time.

Yes, third does feel better than second in the short term. Yes, second is bittersweet and makes for some very awkward emotional moments. However, in the long term losing in the finals is often exactly what’s needed to prepare a wrestler to win it all the next time.

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