The Importance of Using Your Strengths Summed Up in 20 Words

The Importance of Using Your Strengths Summed Up in 20 Words

Committing to using my strengths every day literally changed my life. 594 days ago I went on a quest to activate my strength called Intellection by the Gallup Strengthsfinder. Gallup suggest those with this strength theme should:

  • Consider beginning or continuing your studies in philosophy, literature, or psychology. You will always enjoy subject matter areas that stimulate your thinking.
  • List your ideas in a log or a diary. These ideas will serve as grist for your mental mill, and might yield valuable insights.
  • Take time to write. Writing might be the best way to crystallize and integrate your thoughts.
  • Find people who like to talk about the same issues you do. Organize a discussion group that addresses subjects of interest to you.

All these suggested actions are right down my alley. As a result, I took this “Intellection” strength and was off to the races. I started writing every day, researching sports psychology, and immersing myself with people and ideas that help me help sports families, teams, and athletes activate the best version of themselves.

Here I am today 594 days later, and I haven’t taken even a one-day break from using this strength. I have written an article each day in this blog since then, and each day I hit the publish button on WordPress I feel energized.

Unquestionably, this jolt of energy is what it feels like when you apply your strengths to something you’re passionate about. Given that, Tom Rath, the author of the Strengths Finder 2.0 book from Gallup, has a fantastic quote that sums up my story and the importance of using strengths in 20 words:

You cannot be anything you want to be — but you can be a lot more of who you already are.

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