The Process of Process

The Process of Process

Yesterday I wrote about how to help children believe in themselves. The core of this method came down to process. But not just any process. A process that is repeated consistently and conscientiously.

However, the fact of the matter is that consistently and conscientiously following a process is a process in itself. This is why so many people fail. The process of consistently and conscientiously following a process is hard.

  • Before you can even get to where you can follow a process, you have to go through the process of picking a process.
  • Once you pick a process, you have to establish a process to track the process.
  • Then after you start tracking the process you must have a process for measuring the process.
  • Finally, to wrap things up effectively, you need a process to evaluate your process and then decide if you should stay the course or make adjustments.

So that makes a minimum of four sub-processes to facilitate the main process.

At this point, you’re probably thinking what’s the point? The point is that success is a process. Therefore, if the process of that process is a process, you’re best bet is to do two things:

  1. Be patient
  2. Seek out a coach or mentor to help guide you

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