The Most Underrated and Misunderstood Life Skill

The Most Underrated and Misunderstood Life Skill

This evening I must ask your forgiveness as I go on a short rant about the crop of kids being raised right now. These kids have more things to keep them busy than any generation before could ever imagine.

On demand movies and shows, smart phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, and games galore. Is there ever a dull moment? If there is, get ready for the worse belly aching you could imagine from a kid. Yes, prepare yourself for the modern day bogeyman of BOREDOM.

The problem with this is that boredom is the most underrated and misunderstood life skill. Today’s children do anything and everything to avoid boredom, and are missing out because of this.

Boredom breeds creativity. It’s the space where great ideas are born. Boredom teaches you how to spend time with yourself and listen to your inner thoughts. Most importantly, boredom prepares you for the real world.

Children who must constantly engage with outside stimulation are in for a rude awakening. Adults who must be busy to be happy are on a hamster wheel of stress doing more and getting less. Parents must teach children to avoid this mess.

It may be learning how to enjoy looking out the window, listening to rain, folding your clothes, or just sitting and doing nothing. Getting comfortable with boredom is a life skill that reaps long term rewards. The sooner kids learn this the better.

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