Counterpoint: Parents Must Teach Their Kids to Think Small

Counterpoint: Parents Must Teach Their Kids to Think Small

Almost every parent want’s their kids to think big and dream big. It’s the American way to want your kids to do better than you, much better. There is nothing wrong with this.

However, just like putting together a massive jigsaw puzzle, thinking big is not how you go big.

You go big by starting small and working your way up. More specifically, intelligently applying your time in the short run to create big impacts in the long run.

This type of “micro” thinking is not easy. As a matter of fact, it’s a learned skill that parents should spend time teaching to their children. It’s one thing to encourage your kid when he or she tells you they want to be president one day. It’s a whole different level when you show them how to take one step at a time down the right path to actually work towards a goal.

In order to do this, you must think small by breaking down the skills and experiences needed to accomplish the think big goal. Of course, you could have your child tell you their dreams and do all the research for them. What’s even better is to teach them how to do this for themselves and help them learn how to use micro thinking to achieve their dreams.

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