It’s Time to Teach Kids That Practice Does NOT Make Perfect

It’s Time to Teach Kids That Practice Does NOT Make Perfect

As much as we love to tell our kids that practice makes perfect, as an adult we know this just isn’t true.  Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes you better.

The reality is that trying to be perfect could be the enemy of getting better. Most adults know this. So, why don’t adults embrace the imperfections in our kids? I know I don’t, and this is a problem. 

The fact is, being imperfect is human, and there is nothing wrong with teaching kids this.  Instead of using the mantra “practice makes perfect” I suggest we use these four wise old sayings as alternatives:

  • It’s not about perfect, its about effort
  • You only fail when you quit
  • Mistakes are proof you are trying
  • The expert in anything was once a beginner

Over the next few weeks I’m going to specifically focus on using these four wise old sayings in conversations with my kids. My goal is to create an atmosphere that embraces failure, mistakes, and imperfections as learning opportunities.

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