Satisfaction Comes From Doing, Not From Having

Satisfaction Comes From Doing, Not From Having

I believe one of the hardest things to figure out when transitioning from a child to an adult is that “satisfaction comes from doing, not from having.”

Those words are very profound and are not unique to me.  A vast number of happiness researchers believe and say this as their mantra as well. I suspect after reading those words you immediately shook your head in affirmation.

The problem however, is in the execution.  Our instincts tell us that having is better. 99.9% of people instinctively would rather hit the lottery to become a millionaire today than grind for 10 years to earn it.

However, multiple studies show that about 70% of all lottery winners end up going broke. On the flip side, you can’t find one study that shows a pattern of people who know how to get rich through hard work who go broke. 

Who cares, right?  Having money is better than doing the work to get it.  Not so much.

If you have ever played competitive sports then you know that competing in a winning game or match is more satisfying than looking at the trophy or medal the next day. If it was any different trophy engraving companies would be on every corner. 

This is the ultimate metaphor for life.  The sooner we all stop focusing on having, and instead focus on doing the better off we will all be.

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