Inspiring Quotes on Happiness from Jeff Weiner – CEO of LinkedIn

Inspiring Quotes on Happiness from Jeff Weiner – CEO of LinkedIn

This week I captured some inspiring quotes on happiness.  I got them from listening to Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Jeff Weiner on her podcast.  This interview with Weiner was both inspiring and refreshing.

Inspiring because he opened up and shared a small snippet of his personal growth  journey.  This was an inspirational reminder that even one of the top CEO’s in the world can admit he’s not a finished product.  Even someone as successful as Jeff Weiner knows he needs external help and small wins each day to keep growing.

Refreshing because his belief system was unexpectedly enlightened, or as the kids say “woke”.  I had a feeling he would say something outside the norm of typical CEO speak since he was on Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations.  However, I had no idea it would move into the realm of defining happiness and provide so many inspiring quotes on happiness.

There is so much to love in this podcast interview. So please go find it here.

Below, I will only share Jeff Weiner’s inspiring quotes on happiness since that is what moved me above all.

Inspiring Quotes on Happiness from Jeff Weiner

On Using Success as Your Source of Happiness

To the extent you start to define yourself through traditional measures of success, to the extent that’s your source of self-esteem, you are destined to be unhappy because you cannot control it.

On Finding Sustainable Happiness

The one thing at least for me that I believe is sustainable in terms of where you derive happiness and your self-esteem is the way you treat other people. That you can control, no one can take that away from you.

On Using a Personal Vision Statement as a Source of Happiness

I have a personal vision statement, it’s true north, it’s the dream. It’s there to inspire…

It’s to expand the world’s collective wisdom and compassion…

The more I can manifest that…that’s one source of happiness

On Ray Chambers as His Happiness Mentor

Ray is a mentor and one of the most extraordinary people I know. Ray revolutionized the idea of a leveraged buyout on Wall Street in the 80s.  Had incredible success and around ’87 he decided to give it all up and he wanted to peruse happiness.

In his pursuit of happiness and spending time with philosophers and Buddhist monks, one of the things he concluded was that he needed to be of service to others. So he began a life of extraordinary philanthropy.

Ray Chambers 5 Keys to Happiness

  1. Being in the moment
  2. It’s better to be loving than to be right
  3. You should be a spectator to your own thoughts especially when you become emotional (which is fundamental to compassion)
  4. Be grateful for at least one thing every day
  5. Be of service to others, to help others every chance you get

My Takeaway:  Our primary source of happiness must only come from things we can control.  It’s unhealthy if your current belief system limits your happiness to external sources.  I recognize this in myself. I think if most people are truly honest with themselves, they will also find that this is an area where they can grow.

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