When Your Business Idea Sucks

When Your Business Idea Sucks

If your business idea sucks, it doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.  Any entrepreneur worth their salt wakes up with a business idea at least once a month. However when the dust settles, you do a few google searches, talk to a few friends and realize that that eureka moment was a false positive.  The reality is that your business idea sucks.

Hold your horses my friend. The fact that your business idea sucks is not an indication of whether your business will succeed or fail. Many of the most valuable startups ever started with a business idea that sucked.

Jason Cohen, founder and CTO of WP Engine, has a fantastic post on his blog from way back in 2008 that still applies today. He states:

…it doesn’t matter what your first idea is. First, it’s probably wrong. Second, the only way to find the right one is to try the wrong one and see what happens. You won’t find it by fiddling around with PowerPoint slides and Photoshop mock-ups.

So get out there and make some mistakes!

Jason shares some awesome stories about how PayPal and Flickr got started with crappy ideas.  Go read his entire blog post here.

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