The Side-Effect of Developing a Growth Mindset

The Side-Effect of Developing a Growth Mindset

Recently, I’ve become extremely deliberate in developing my growth mindset.

I write down my goals more often.  I think about my purpose and passions more often.  I’m more intentional about what I eat and my exercise routine.  I force myself to spend less time consuming content and more time creating it.  When I do consume content, more often than not it’s centered around personal growth and mindset.

Each of these changes will eventually pay off.  Most will take months of consistency before I see anything tangible.  However, what I noticed as a side-effect almost immediately was the impact I was having on my family.

I noticed that my growth mindset was rubbing off.  I see my family following my lead.  We are all exercising more, reading more, creating more.  We are all thinking more about our goals, our passions and our purpose.  Each of us is starting to orient our minds towards growth.   It’s amazing.

I don’t have to force a growth mindset onto them.  Just by me serving as an example and doing what I do in front of them is enough.  If you need motivation to start your quest for personal growth, this is it.  You can multiply your efforts by just doing it consistently and intentionally in front of the ones you love.

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