Judge Me by My Failures Not My Successes

Judge Me by My Failures Not My Successes

Many successful people believe in the philosophy that the true mark of a man or woman is found in their defeats, not their victories.

Nelson Mandela has a famous quote that says as much:

Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.

This is how I want to be judged when I die.  If I don’t fail more, then it means I’m not taking enough risks.  If I don’t take enough risks, then I am not living my best life.

I quit my job 6 years ago to launch a startup.  It didn’t workout.  I have been hesitant every since to put myself out there that much again, and make myself as vulnerable as I did then.

Before that day 6 years ago, every time I launched a business it was a side gig with no risk.  I always had a day job to fall back on.  6 years ago was the first time I took my shot with it all on the line.  I have been gun shy ever since.

Today I’m having a moment of clarity.  Failing didn’t kill me and it didn’t leave me homeless.  Failing was what I  needed to grow stronger. Obviously I don’t want to invite failure into my life for the sake of failing. But I welcome it, if that’s what I need to keep growing.

Today I erase the fear of failure and I hope you can look at whatever fears you have and find a way to do the same thing.

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