What’s Your Margin of Error?

What’s Your Margin of Error?

Some people have the luxury of being able to “f-up” multiple times and still succeed.  Some people make one tiny mistake and their life is forever changed for the worse.

These are the two extreme ends with various points in between.  Where do you fall on the spectrum?

  • If you miss getting a single pay check, will your lights get cut off?
  • How many months can you be unemployed before you are homeless?
  • How many sick days can you take before you get fired?
  • Can you quit your job today, and find another way to make the same amount of money by next week?
  • Have you built up enough emotional capital with your significant others to prevent a single major argument or “fall-out” from ending the relationship forever?
  • How long can you go without talking to your old friend before you get left off the guest list?
  • How many workouts can you miss or slices of pizza can you eat before you have to buy bigger pants? Have you bought bigger pants this year?
  • How much sugar, salt, and fat can your body withstand before you have an unexpected health scare?
  • If you miss your meds will you die or will it feel like your dying or will people want to kill you?

If you know your margin of error is unhealthy in any of these areas (or others not mentioned) have you become complacent with this? Have you become comfortable living on the edge of a life altering event?

It’s one thing not to know.  It’s a totally different thing to know doom is lurking around the corner and that one false move will crush your house of cards. What are you going to do about it?  Doing nothing is not an option.

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