I love the red pill vs. blue pill metaphor from the movie Matrix. Take the red pill and face the harsh realities of life. Take the blue pill and live in a fantasy land. This is the choice that parents raising athletes have. The Red Pill The red pill is facing the reality your child […]
Yesterday I shared an article and podcast with fantastic insights into navigating many of the biggest pitfalls of youth sports. One of these pitfalls is driving kids to specialize in one sport too soon. As it turns out, many parents do this because they mistake early biological maturity for high potential and talent. As a […]
Today I listened to a highly insightful podcast embedded within an article titled the The Late-Bloomer Advantage in Sports. I highly recommend all sports parents read this article and listen to the podcast embedded within it. In short, the conclusion is simple. Parents and coaches do a bad job understanding relative age. This causes them […]