There is one mental balancing act we all must manage if we want to become the best version of ourselves. It doesn’t matter if you are a parent or a child, a coach or an athlete, a boss or an individual contributor. Everyday of our life we must learn to effectively balance boredom and anxiety. […]
Yesterday I wrote about the basics of goal perspective theory. In short, there are two perspectives: task orientation and ego orientation. Furthermore, athletes who have a ego orientation don’t perform well when facing difficult challenges. With this in mind, there are three basic methods to help athletes who let their ego dominate their performance. 1) […]
Some very smart psychologist in the 1980s (Ames-1984, Dweck-1986, and Nicholls-1989) established the basis of what is now commonly called goal perspective theory. Goal perspective theory is a fundamental concept for sports. It’s a concept that both sport parents and coaches must understand for the purpose of knowing what makes their athletes tick. The core […]