Research shows that some athletes naturally tolerate more pain than others. For those who are not naturally gifted at tolerating pain, research also shows that it’s possible to increase pain tolerance. It’s important for parents and coaches of athletes to understand this fact. Just because one athlete is capable of pushing through pain better than […]
Why is developing a young athlete’s self-motivation so important? It’s probably obvious. So why even ask this question? I ask because it’s tempting to ignore the answer. It’s tempting to shortcut the often difficult process of developing self-motivation and instead rely on carrot and stick motivation. It’s also tempting to view getting what you want […]
Youth sports burnout is one of those concerns nearly all serious sports parents worry about to some extent. The reason why is that parents are no longer spending money for their kids to play youth sports as recreation. Instead, youth sports is a major monthly bill. But not any bill. It’s a bill that cost […]