Are you a sports parent facing the reality of being caught in a cycle of doing more and getting less? For example, taking your kid to practice 3 days a week for two hours each day and not only is your child not getting any better, but they also aren’t having fun. Literally 6 hours […]
Some people think athletes are born, and others think athletes develop. Either way, as with most traits of human existence, athleticism is a product of both nature and nurture. Therefore, a parent would be wise to focus their energy on nurturing the nature of their child rather than accepting their child’s nature as is. Unquestionably, […]
Youth sports can be a classroom for teaching positive character traits, but it’s not always a classroom that teaches positive character traits. It’s no secret that I’m a huge advocate of youth sports. However, I’m not blind to the fact that every sport’s team is not equal when it comes to teaching character. Unquestionably, youth […]