The Gift of Teaching Young Athletes to be a Fan of Their Sport

If you are a parent of a young athlete who only works hard when you push them to work hard, then self-motivation must be your #1 priority. They may be a youth sports star, but if they don’t love their sport enough to train hard without you pushing them, they will eventually burnout. Before you […]

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The Goal of Practice

Is the goal of practice the ability to tell others that you practiced? Obviously not. But for most young athletes this is the outcome. How about coaches? Is the goal of practice to practice for two hours or do a specific number of reps? I hope not, because those aren’t good goals for practice either. […]

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Balancing A Competitive Athlete’s Self-Esteem and Mental Health

The most important thing a parent raising a competitive athlete can do for their long-term mental health is to make sure there is balance. Balance between creativity and competitiveness. Balance between values and goals / process and outcome. As well as balance between pushing a child out of their comfort zone and letting them develop […]

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