Why Some Athletes Work Harder Than Others

Coaches love nothing more than an athlete who works hard. Moreover, it’s a coach’s dream to have an athlete on the team who both works hard and has talent. The problem is this dream is rarely fulfilled unless the coach makes it happen. In other words, most athletes don’t come to coaches with both a […]

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Legitimizing Self-Care as an Active Process of Working to Get Better

Legitimate self-care is NOT working less and expecting more. Legitimate self-care is also NOT putting your priorities over your responsibilities while expecting no consequences. This is just being selfish. Indeed, legitimate self-care is a process that helps you get better both mentally and physically as you continue to pursue your goals.  Sleeping more, working less, […]

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When You Work Your Hardest for the First Time and Fail

Some people learn to work hard from a young age. For these people nothing has ever come easy and working hard is the only way to survive. Other people get by in life on cruise control. These people typically start with some natural advantage that allows them to give average effort and still get above […]

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