Goal setting is the foundation for all success. However, having goals are meaningless unless you have one goal in particular. This goal will serve as the foundation for all other goals. This goal is to commit to finding a purpose for your life. As I shared yesterday in my formula for calculating your ability to […]
Pursuing difficult goals is not for everyone. By definition, most people will not be successful in their pursuit of a difficult goal. By difficult I’m referring to long term goals that require a minimum of 4 years effort. This is a long time, and as a result most people struggle immensely to achieve these type […]
Many smart people have said this many times, many different ways. Working hard to develop physical skills is nothing more than an entrance fee for success is sports. The typical elite athlete wins because of their mental edge, not because of their physical edge. Case in point, NFL quarterback Russell Wilson. Today, ESPN.com published a […]