My desire to simplify the psychology of a winning mindset stems from my background of working as a software engineer for the first 15 years of my career. Software engineers typically want to understand the relationship between things. Then figure out if it’s possible to model that relationship using a pattern or routine. In this […]
You can win by cheating or you can win by getting lucky. It’s also possible to win because your opponent didn’t prepare, didn’t care, or didn’t have enough experience. Simply stated in the words of Seth Godin, “just because you won doesn’t mean you did a good job.” To win is not the same as […]
Is there a secret to success? This is unquestionably the most common question people have when they are struggling with pursuing a goal. My answer is simple. Of course there is a secret to success! If it wasn’t secret then more people would be successful right? Not so much… The truth is that the secret […]