Your life is the summation of the decisions you make. Some decisions are good, some are bad, and some are neutral. Putting the neutral decisions aside, success in life is more likely when most decisions turn out to be good decisions, and the bad decisions are few and far between. The question is how do […]
When your past did not go as planned you have two options. 1) Keep reliving the complications of the past and let it define you. or 2) Realize that you’re both the captain of your ship and the travel agent for your future. It’s easy to accept option 1. It requires no work, no change, […]
One of the ways I judge how much I like a book is looking at the number of highlights I make. It’s safe to say that I’m a big fan of Trevor Moawad’s book It Takes What It Takes. As I flip through the pages while I write this review I see a highlight on […]