Why Average People Have Average Self-Awareness

Nobody thinks of themself as being average and almost everybody thinks of themself as being above average. How can this be? If no one is average how can anyone be above average? Statistically speaking this is impossible once you narrow down the parameters that calculate the average. However, who gets to decide those parameters? Indeed, […]

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Finding Success by Unleashing the Fanatic Buried Inside

One of my favorite authors Wes Moore argues in his book The Work that there is one trait that all wildly successful people have; they’re fanatics. But what does it mean to be a fanatic? Well, the first and most important trait of a fanatic is that they’re single-minded. For example, if you’re fanatic about […]

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Counterpoint: Winners Don’t Always Win

Winners win and losers lose. This is straightforward logic. However, reality is not that straightforward. The reality is that winners don’t always win and losers don’t always lose. Case in point is when a person with a long term mindset competes against someone with a short term mindset. Unfortunately, there is little to no chance […]

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