History shows that you can control the process, but you can’t control the outcome. So, don’t make the mistake of skipping steps and taking shortcuts to try to force the day of success to come sooner. Shortcutting the process is far more likely to delay success than to accelerate it. One of my favorite authors […]
There are basically two mindsets you can choose for how you approach the vision you have for your life. You can go through life with a mindset of trying to prevent failure or with a mindset trying to pursue success. The mindset of trying to prevent failure is one that focuses on threats. It causes […]
When people talk about what it takes to be great, there are several traits that get most of the attention. Traits such as confidence, resilience, attention to detail, mental toughness, purpose, and work ethic come to mind right away. However, there is one trait that almost no one outside of the sports world ever talks […]