While it’s a hard pill to swallow, the facts are the facts. Lazy parents often have children with more self-motivation than parents who are extremely conscientious about their parental involvement. This. Is. Not. Fair. But as the saying goes, life is not fair. Parents are more likely to get rewarded for doing the bare minimum […]
The problem most people have with self-motivation is wanting something but not having the energy within to go after it. Basically, dreaming and not doing, planning and not executing, talking about “manifestation” and not doing the work. The first two excuses typically given for not being self-motivated is lacking knowledge and lacking skills. However, neither […]
A mindset conflict is often the root cause for why you will want something but then not have the self-motivation to go after it. This mindset conflict typically starts when your belief about what you control and your ability to execute are not in alignment. For example, you know if you eat healthier you can […]