Nearly all youth athletes get their self-motivation from two areas: 1) Developing new skills. 2) Demonstrating those new skills. Contrary to popular belief, winning in youth sports is not how you motivate a young athlete. If a youth athlete cannot make the connection between practice and competing with these two things, they will not embrace […]
Parents spend thousands of dollars per year on private coaching, tutoring, camps, and numerous other things to invest in their child’s future. However, how do parents know if spending this type of money is a bad investment or a good investment? There is no definitive answer to this question without hindsight. However, there is a […]
While it’s a hard pill to swallow, the facts are the facts. Lazy parents often have children with more self-motivation than parents who are extremely conscientious about their parental involvement. This. Is. Not. Fair. But as the saying goes, life is not fair. Parents are more likely to get rewarded for doing the bare minimum […]