Coaches must know how to motivate athletes, this is non-negotiable. A coach could be a great technician, game planner, and teacher, but if they can’t motivate their athletes to want success more than the coach wants it for them, that coach will fail. I explain why in my article on The Three Fundamentals of Great […]
If you are a parent of a young athlete who only works hard when you push them to work hard, then self-motivation must be your #1 priority. They may be a youth sports star, but if they don’t love their sport enough to train hard without you pushing them, they will eventually burnout. Before you […]
All high school athletes who get the opportunity to play in college are elite high school athletes. However, all college athletes are not elite college athletes. In other words, what it takes to get the opportunity to play sports in college is not the same as what it takes to seize that opportunity. To be […]