Stephen Covey’s classic book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People tells readers to “begin with the end in mind” in habit #2. As this book is one of the most popular books in history, you’ve probably heard this advice multiple times over the years. I would say the idea to begin with the end in […]
When an athlete has self-motivation this triggers something deep inside that urges them to progressively pursue harder goals. These type of athletes stand out. Self-motivated athletes do things other athletes neglect. They write down their goals, track their routines, hold themselves accountable, and seek help when they need additional support from a coach. Self-motivated athletes […]
When you have a passion for something, self-motivation is easy. In addition, when an activity provides instant gratification, self-motivation is never a problem. However, most difficult achievements require the self-motivation to do things that don’t involve a passion and don’t provide instant gratification. For example, a high school athlete may have a passion to play […]