The One Character Trait Athletes Need to Be Mentally Tougher and More Confident

There is an underlying character trait that serves as the cornerstone of mental toughness and confidence: courage. Before athletes can embark on the path of becoming mentally tougher and more confident, they must first possess the courage to face challenges, confront fears, and embrace the unknown. Courage acts as the catalyst, igniting a series of […]

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The Difference Between Choices and Decisions and Why it Matters

There is a subtle but significant difference between choices and decisions. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “a choice is the act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities and a decision is the conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.” Another way to think about it is that a […]

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Why Having an Outcome Bias Hurts Athletes – and What to Do About It

Practically embedded in the human DNA is a tendency to make judgments based on outcomes. When our distant ancestors roamed the wild, the consequences of their actions often held life-or-death significance. A successful hunt could mean nourishment for days, while a failed attempt could lead to hunger and vulnerability. In such an environment, the ability […]

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