Once you put a significant amount of effort into reaching a goal and you recognize you aren’t making enough progress, you must answer this one question before you do anything else. Is there a weakness in my blind spot that I’m either ignoring or taking for granted? Chances are the answer to this question is […]
Those in popular culture talk about illegal performance enhancers all the time. I prefer to talk about the legal performance enhancers instead. Things like self-motivation and having an internal locus of control are two good examples of this. In addition, another legal performance enhancer you shouldn’t ignore is positive support from friends, family, teachers, mentors, […]
Thinking that “knowledge is power” is a mistake. Knowledge is the potential for power, but it’s not power. Knowledge only leads to power when you use knowledge to build skills. Moreover, the only way to do that is to use the knowledge you gain to develop methods to practice the skills you need to apply that […]