What is the Best Mindset to Have?

When it comes to the best mindset, you have a lot of choices to pick from, but the key is to start somewhere and make that mindset your foundation. There is no one mindset that is the best, as being at your best requires a set of mindsets that work together. Moreover, trying to master […]

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How to Verify If a Process is Working for You

One of the first things I teach clients is to never blindly trust a process you have doubt in until you verify it first. While this may be counter to the pop culture cliché on trusting the process, it’s simply a fact that you can’t trust something when you have doubt. Although you can fake […]

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The Most Important Step Athletes Must Take to Get Better Faster

Every athlete goes to practice, but every athlete does not get better at the same rate from practice. Two athletes could have the same coaches as well as practice the same skills for the same amount of time, but one will get better faster than the other. Why is this? The easy answer is to […]

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