Sports and life have many parallels. This is why sports is such a big part of our culture, and this is also why parents use sports to teach children life lessons. One of the best books to read that indirectly puts the parallels of life and sports in perspective is Flow in Sports: The keys […]
The majority of people stay busy doing things that don’t matter. These same people are then the ones who complain the most when the results they desire don’t materialize. This is not ironic at all, because complaining is one of those things that don’t matter. With that said, if you find yourself complaining often, then […]
Purpose is the combination of passion and the desire to achieve a goal with an impact bigger than just you. You identify passions simply by being self-aware of the things you love to do. Specifically, you can find passions by answering the following 5 questions author Mary Reckmeyer, Ph.D. suggests: What activities or environments are […]