Potential is having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Potential implies possibility. It also implies the existence of undone work. Furthermore, everybody has potential, but not everybody puts themselves in the position to reach that potential. Why? Well, it comes down to one’s ability to meet three requirements […]
It’s great to have potential. Until it’s not. If you’re a beginner to be told you have potential is a complement. However, if you have experience, it’s basically an insult to be told you have potential. Why? Because having potential means you haven’t lived up to all your capabilities yet. Nick Saban says it best: […]
Potential is having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Potential has nothing to do with your past. While it may seem that your past can limit or increase your future potential, that is only perception. For example, if person 1 has a degree from an Ivy League school […]