Why You Must Develop a Philosophy for Your Life

If you want to have a winning mindset, you must have a personal philosophy for your life and the pursuit of your goals. Think of yourself as a new head coach and the first thing you must do is choose a philosophy for your team. For example, football coaches call their offensive and defensive philosophies […]

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The Big Difference Between Burnout and Overtraining for Athletes

Burnout and overtraining are two of the biggest reasons why athletes fail to reach their potential. They both lead to dramatic performance declines and they both can lead to injury. In addition, both burnout and overtraining develop because coaches and parents are not paying attention to the physical and mental impacts of an athlete’s schedule. […]

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Recognizing When Potential is a Problem

When someone says you have a lot of potential, it’s not necessarily a complement. As a matter of fact, it could mean just the opposite. If you’re a beginner at something, having potential is great. On the other hand, if you have experience doing something for a relatively long time and still haven’t reached your […]

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