Yesterday I wrote about the moment when self-motivation takes over in an young athletes life. In order for this moment to come, there are four elements that must first exist. One or more goals A strong desire to achieve those goals One or more sacrifices that when made moves one closer to achieve those goals […]
One of the most important things a parent raising children who are competitive in sports can do is make sure there is balance. Balance between creativity and competitiveness. Balance between values and goals. As well as balance between pushing a child out of their comfort zone and self-motivation. Early on as a father, I failed […]
A common fallback for bad parenting is the “I turned out OK” argument. “I did that when I grew up and I turned out OK” or “My parents did this to me and I turned out OK” In my humble opinion, this type of thinking from parents is unhealthy and down right irresponsible. Obviously, this […]