How To Recognize the Signs of a Young Athlete at Risk of Burning Out

Back in the day, youth sports was all fun and games. These days, not so much. Being a young athlete can be tough. Kids these days don’t arbitrarily get months, weeks, or even days off to recover. The fact of the matter is that if a young athlete maintains an unhealthy routine, they will eventually […]

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Expanding the Sport Specialization vs. Multi-Sport Debate

One of the most debated topics in youth sports is the argument for or against sport specialization. Sport specialization is when a youth athlete trains and competes in one sport year round. Specialization is a relatively new concept in youth sports. When I played youth sports in the 90s, playing only one sport was almost […]

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Understand Your Children By Interpreting Behavior with Ends and Means

Interpreting a child’s behavior is a complex undertaking. Over thousands of years philosophers, scientist, and psychologist have all made attempts to define the “why” behind human behavior. What’s more, over the last 8 months I have pored hundreds of hours of my time into studying these theories. At this point, my main conclusion is that […]

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