Parents are typically very aware of their child’s weaknesses. This is typically the result of 1 of 3 cases: their child shares the same weaknesses as the parent, the parent is strong in an area that their child is weak, or the child’s weaknesses are preventing them from reaching one or more goals. In case […]
I often write about my journey from being a crazy sports dad to where I am now. However, I think I may have confused some people to where “now” is. To the far right extreme is the crazy sports mom or dad who is in full on drill sergeant mode. To the other extreme on […]
Being a sports parent is fun. However, it can be rather frustrating if your child is hard headed. By hard headed I’m specifically talking about the child who’s oozing with talent and big dreams, but doesn’t listen. Without doubt, if this kid would listen just 10% of the time the world would be their oyster. […]