I read Gallup’s Strengths Based Parenting book by Mary Reckmeyer about four months ago. Every month since then I find myself referring back to it time and time again as I study how to unlock potential. The premise of the book is simple. Children do their best when you empower them to do what they’re best at. […]
Everybody loves a winning team. We love to root for winning teams, compete on winning teams, and watch our kids compete on winning teams. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that. However, I think loyalty is such an under appreciated and overlooked character trait when it comes to winning. Just as all people love […]
Over the last 20 years, technology has drastically changed the way we shop, travel, and communicate, among other things. What’s taking so long for technology to change the way we educate our K-12 youth? Yes, our K-12 educational system is at the early stages of a transformation, but we have been stuck in this early […]